Akiu Winery will be renovating its shop and cafe and launching a restaurant business.
Accordingly, we are recruiting staff.
We are currently recruiting a sous chef who will be Chef Yoshida's right-hand man, as well as hall and kitchen staff.
For more details, please search for "Akiu Winery" in the free word search on the job information search page of "Hello Work Internet Services", or please see the URL below.
If you have a smartphone, you can also access it using the QR code in the image.
① Chef https://x.gd/SySCw
②Hall & Kitchen Staff https://x.gd/EILO3
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.
Contact email address: info@akiuwinery.co.jp
🍷Our company is Miyagi Prefecture's first winery, which opened in 2015 to support food producers in Tohoku, which was severely affected by the Great East Japan Earthquake, through the pairing of wine and food.
We are currently looking for a chef and part-time staff to work together to set up a restaurant within the winery, serve lunch and dinner, and promote the appeal of Tohoku cuisine to the world.
In addition to cooking, the job involves a variety of rewarding activities, such as visiting wine-producing areas, providing food education, developing menus, and hosting events at wine-producing areas. Also, because it is a winery, you can also be involved in cultivation and brewing.
Awards etc.
Sakura Award 2021 Gold Medal Winner
Winner of the Excellence Award in the Food Bridge category at the 51st Japan Agriculture Awards
Japan Wine Competition 2022 Silver and Bronze Awards
Japan Winery Awards 2022 Three Star Award
Japan Cider Cup 2024 Silver and Bronze Award Winner